Friday, December 9, 2011


Shinedown is an interesting band. They have not really started to shine and come up until 2011. Two of their biggest hits are incredible songs which are Diamond eyes and sound of madness. These are both very good songs and show how much potential they have. The problem with Shinedown is after i heard these two songs i decided to go listen to the rest of their songs. They were very mediocre and seemed gloomy. One thing i thought about is they would be an absolutely outstanding band if their content was like those two songs that were huge hits. In those songs they have a great projection of vocals and their guitar parts are outstanding. The problem is they have a large lack of effort in the rest of their album.
Pros: Good hits and a good singer
Cons: Lack of effort in most of their music and the songs do sound generic.
Overall 5.5/10

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